Journal Articles
Rebolledo, Edgar & Christopher A. Martínez (2023). Caracterización y análisis del ausentismo municipal en Chile. Revista de Gestión y Política Pública, 32(1): 31-67.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2022). Tradición democrática y sobrevivencia presidencial: El caso de Lucio Gutiérrez en Ecuador. Revista Ecuatoriana de Ciencia Política, 1(2): 44-65.
Martínez, Christopher A. & Alejandro Olivares L. (2022). Chile 2021: Entre un intenso calendario electoral y la acusación constitucional en contra de Sebastián Piñera. Revista de Ciencia Política, 42(2): 225-253.
Olivares, Alejandro, Christopher A. Martínez, et al. (2022). Presidencialismo en América Latina. Algunas consideraciones para el debate. IBEROAMERICANA. América Latina - España - Portugal, 22(79), 211–242.
Martínez, Christopher A., Mariana Llanos & Raymond Tatalovich. (2021). Impeaching the President: Mapping the political landscape in the House of Representatives. Congress & the Presidency, 49(2): 200-229.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2021). Presidential instability in Latin America: Why institutionalized parties matter. Government and Opposition, 56(4), 683-704.
Martínez, Christopher A. & Juan C. Arellano. (2021). University presidents’ turnover and survival: The case of Chile. Higher Education, 82: 541-560.
Arellano, Juan C. & Christopher A. Martínez. (2020). Gradual change and deconcentration of presidential powers in nineteenth century Chile: Ideas, networks, and institutional ambiguity. Polity, 52(4): 584-617.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2018). Democratic tradition and the failed presidency of Lucio Gutierrez in Ecuador. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37(3): 321-338.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2018). Estereotipos de género y evaluación de candidatos en Estados Unidos: Evidencia de una encuesta-experimento. Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad, 8(1): 36-71.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2017). Presidential survival in South America: Rethinking the role of democracy. International Political Science Review, 38(1): 40-55.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2017). “Sobreviviendo” la presidencia argentina, 1983-2001. Estudios Internacionales, 49(186): 91-118.
Books and Book Chapters
Martínez, Christopher A. & Andrés Dockendorff. (2023). Hyper-presidentialism under question. Evidence from Chile. In Mariana Llanos & Leiv Marsteintredet (Eds.), Latin America in times of turbulence.
Presidentialism under stress. New York: Routledge, pp. 54-74. ISBN 9781032322612. -
Martínez, Christopher A. (2022). Presidencialismo: Reflexiones para el debate constitucional en Chile. Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica and Ediciones UCT. ISBN: 978-956-289-250-6.
Martínez, Christopher A. (2018). La presidencia en el Chile de la posdictadura. In Carlos Huneeus and Octavio Avendaño (Eds.), El sistema politico de Chile. Chile: LOM Ediciones, pp. 85-117. ISBN: 9789560010681.
Martínez, Christopher A. & Roberto I. Mardones. (2017). Sistema político chileno: Una sinopsis post dictadura. In Christian Pfeiffer, Enrique Fernández Darraz and Björn Kluger (eds.), Bildung in Chile: Beiträge zu einer binationalen Kooperation. Germany: Universität Rostock, pp.9-24. ISBN 978-3-86009-479-2.
Conference Papers
“Chile presidentialism under question.” Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Innsbruck, Austria. August 2022.
“Impeachment in the United States: Mapping the political landscape in the House of Representatives.” Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), August 2021.
“Presidential instability in Latin America: Why institutionalized parties matter.” Paper presented at the 12º Encontro da Associação Nacional de Ciência Política, Brazil, October 2020.
“Gradual change and deconcentration of presidential powers in Chile (XIX): Ideas, networks, and institutional ambiguity.” Paper presented at the research workshop ‘The effects of institutional change in Latin America,’ Concepción, Chile. August 2019.
“Fragmentados pero disciplinados: El rol de los partidos en la destitución de la Presidenta Dilma Rousseff”. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Political Science, Santiago, Chile. October 2018.
“Presidential failures in Latin America (1980-2016)”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, 76th Annual Conference, Chicago, United States. April 2018.
“Ideas and institutional change. (De)concentration of power in Chile. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, 76th Annual Conference, Chicago, United States. April 2018.
“Failed presidents in Latin America: Does democracy matter?” Paper presented at the American Political Science Association, 113th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States. September 2017.
“Sobrevivencia presidencial en América Latina”. Paper presented at the 4th Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Social Sciences, Salamanca, España. July 2017.
“Tradición democrática y sobrevivencia presidencial: El caso de Lucio Gutiérrez en Ecuador”. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Political Science, Pucón, Chile. October 2016.
“Avances y retrocesos de la democracia chilena (1990-2010)”. Panel organizer and chair. 12th Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Political Science, Pucón, Chile. October 2016.
“Gender Stereotypes and candidate evaluation: Evidence from a survey experiment”. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Graduate School Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States. March 2014.
“Surviving the presidency: Rethinking the role of democracy”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, United States. April 2014.
Selected Talks
“Government crisis in Chile: Political decay and power vacuum.” Catholic University of Temuco. Temuco, Chile (November 2020).
“COVID-19: Hacia una nueva gobernanza del riesgo.” University of Concepcion, Concepción, Chile (May 2020).
“Estallido social en Chile: ¿Oportunidad de cambio?” Catholic University of Temuco. Temuco, Chile (November 2019).
“Dinámicas políticas y sociales de la crisis chilena.” Catholic University of Temuco. Temuco, Chile (November 2019).
“It’s time to go: Interrupted presidencies in Latin America.” University of Concepcion. Concepción, Chile (June 2018).
“Forced out: Why Latin American presidents struggle to hold onto power.” Institute of Political Science, P. Catholic University of Chile. Santiago, Chile (May 2018).
“Inestabilidad de gobiernos y tradición democrática en América Latina.” FLACSO-Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador (March 2018).
“Instituciones políticas y percepciones ciudadanas.” Seminar Proceso constituyente en Chile. La respuesta ciudadana. Temuco, Chile (August 2017).
“Presidential power and government instability in Latin America: What form of government do we want?” Seminar Chile’s Constitutional Reform. Temuco, Chile (July 2016).
“The Constitution and political power in Chile,” organized by the Gorbea Municipal Government. Gorbea, Chile (May 2016).
“Voters’ preferences in the Araucanía Region,” organized by the Association of La Araucanía Local Governments. Temuco, Chile (January 2016).